
A CANDID TALK With Young Adults

A CANDID TALK With Kids Teens & Young AdultsAccording to Titus 2:1-6, older men are to train up the younger men and older women are to train up the younger women. It is imperative that Seasoned Believers take a stand and become the salt of the earth and the light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-14) Those who have repented and been delivered from their vices, saved from the snare of Satan, accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and have a renewed mind to live and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives are coming forth to educate kids, teens & young adults.

     Seasoned Believers such as Pastor Adrian Simmons, Crystal Mitchell, Glenda Fields, Pastor Rufus Fields, Edwyna Washington, Brenda Diann Johnson and Curtis Wilson are among many who are using their life experiences, wisdom and knowledge to propel young people forward into their purpose. The perspectives, wisdom and practical advice will help kids, teens & young adults choose a better way for their lives and avoid many pitfalls. Each generation is supposed to honor and reverence God, learn from their mistakes, teach and guide the next generation and move humanity forward. 

     Brenda Diann Johnson is a mother, grandmother, author, publisher, educator, entrepreneur, radio host,Brenda Johnson Padgitt38(4) speaker and above all a humble servant of God. She is the founder of ASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC which is the parent company of ASWIFTT RADIO, ASWIFTT Television, ASWIFTT Journal, and ASWIFTT Records. She enjoys writing and spending time with her daughters, Diamond and Kamille and her grandson, Bryson. Ms. Johnson’s life mission is to use the creative talents God gave her in writing, teaching and speaking to not only have self-fulfillment but to also have an impact on the audience God has predestined for her. For more information on Brenda, her books, products & services email: brendadiannjohnson@yahoo.com

Today’s Question:

What are some harmful behaviors that young adults should stop?

Brenda Diann Johnson gives her advice on the broadcast.

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